First of all thank you for stopping by to see what its all about.
The first Dear.......... letter has been posted and I hope it brought back some funny memories. It did for me.
Its been a stressy week here. Firstly, the kids have half term and we all know that keeping a house clean and tidy with kids home is like drying your hands with a wet towel! Secondly, I signed up for Twitter (which admittedly the kids had to do because I found the whole experience mind blowing) and for non-tweeters, omg. Wouldn't recommend it if you are of nervous disposition. After being a facebook fan for years, Twitter is like landing on another planet. A very fast planet. I loved it and hated it at the same time. It was fast, so fast and witty and before long people started following me. They didn't even know me! But within a very short time I found myself following them back and had been made to feel quite welcome in their wonderful and friendly community. I'm now looking at my widening online social circle with pride even though I'm still not sure if I'm tweeting or replying to myself or someone else.

When I wasn't busy tweeting or blogging (I have a whole new list of online vocabulary), I was the usual referee / taxi service / cook (I use this word lightly).
Which reminds of a time in the 4th year of secondary school. I had baked a lovely (again I use the word loosely) Victoria Sandwich in the home economics lesson. By the time I got home the cake had gone, as in disappeared but not eaten! I think my dear siblings were secretly relieved to not have to face the big 'lets taste what she made today' moment. The next morning in school Angie T, a very good school buddy, let it be known that the previous days after school playground footie match was played using..............yep, my cake! What more could I say, besides complete denial that it had anything to do with me.
My kitchen skills, well lack of them, are not for want of trying. The Mummy and many friends have tried to show me the way forward in the kitchen.....the Sister just says "no thanks, I'm busy cutting my toenails" at the invite to dinner. And has given up all hope of a decent meal when it's my turn to do Christmas day. I would love to be one of those natural mother earth types that feed their family with healthy 'made with my own hands' type meals. To be able to open the kitchen larder and throw a meal together with whatever is available. The one meal I can make from scratch is Lasagne. When I say from scratch, I mean a jar of Dol Mio and a jar of Lasagne White Sauce and a packet of ready made lasagne sheets. I do brown off the mince, drain the fat away and layer it all in the dish though. Surely that counts as homemade. And the kids eat it albeit under sufferance and the muttered comments of "not again" and "can Daddy cook tomorrow?" The daft thing is I have a cupboard shelf filled from one side to the other with cookery books. All lovely and shiney and new. I even have a chrome recipe book holder on the worktop, currently displaying gorgeous fondant fancies. Obviously display purposes only to match the current kitchen colour scheme - pink!
The Husband is always and has always been very polite over my cooking misdemeanours. One of the first meals I cooked him was salmon with vegetables. After dropping the 2 salmon fillets on the floor whilst lifting them from the grill, I had a major strop, threw the tea towel (dangerous) and using a few obscene words, swore I would never cook again. He calmly scooped them up and somehow pieced them back together (well made them look like they were whole pieces) and ate, lovingly telling me "try some, its not so bad" and "its really nice".
I dedicate this post to everyone that has spent time frustratingly trying to teach me to cook. You know who you are. I would love to hear from you and will always reply. So please leave a comment below for all to see or send me an email via the contact me box.
Thanks for taking the time to read and I will send the next Dear......... letter out next week.
As always........sent wiv love
Its been a stressy week here. Firstly, the kids have half term and we all know that keeping a house clean and tidy with kids home is like drying your hands with a wet towel! Secondly, I signed up for Twitter (which admittedly the kids had to do because I found the whole experience mind blowing) and for non-tweeters, omg. Wouldn't recommend it if you are of nervous disposition. After being a facebook fan for years, Twitter is like landing on another planet. A very fast planet. I loved it and hated it at the same time. It was fast, so fast and witty and before long people started following me. They didn't even know me! But within a very short time I found myself following them back and had been made to feel quite welcome in their wonderful and friendly community. I'm now looking at my widening online social circle with pride even though I'm still not sure if I'm tweeting or replying to myself or someone else.

When I wasn't busy tweeting or blogging (I have a whole new list of online vocabulary), I was the usual referee / taxi service / cook (I use this word lightly).
Well as some of you may be aware, my culinary skills are more favourably known as culinary disasters. This week alone I've managed to annihilate 3 dinners. For those that missed it first time round here's Thursdays delight again......
Pasta bake obviously |
Which reminds of a time in the 4th year of secondary school. I had baked a lovely (again I use the word loosely) Victoria Sandwich in the home economics lesson. By the time I got home the cake had gone, as in disappeared but not eaten! I think my dear siblings were secretly relieved to not have to face the big 'lets taste what she made today' moment. The next morning in school Angie T, a very good school buddy, let it be known that the previous days after school playground footie match was played using..............yep, my cake! What more could I say, besides complete denial that it had anything to do with me.
My kitchen skills, well lack of them, are not for want of trying. The Mummy and many friends have tried to show me the way forward in the kitchen.....the Sister just says "no thanks, I'm busy cutting my toenails" at the invite to dinner. And has given up all hope of a decent meal when it's my turn to do Christmas day. I would love to be one of those natural mother earth types that feed their family with healthy 'made with my own hands' type meals. To be able to open the kitchen larder and throw a meal together with whatever is available. The one meal I can make from scratch is Lasagne. When I say from scratch, I mean a jar of Dol Mio and a jar of Lasagne White Sauce and a packet of ready made lasagne sheets. I do brown off the mince, drain the fat away and layer it all in the dish though. Surely that counts as homemade. And the kids eat it albeit under sufferance and the muttered comments of "not again" and "can Daddy cook tomorrow?" The daft thing is I have a cupboard shelf filled from one side to the other with cookery books. All lovely and shiney and new. I even have a chrome recipe book holder on the worktop, currently displaying gorgeous fondant fancies. Obviously display purposes only to match the current kitchen colour scheme - pink!
The Husband is always and has always been very polite over my cooking misdemeanours. One of the first meals I cooked him was salmon with vegetables. After dropping the 2 salmon fillets on the floor whilst lifting them from the grill, I had a major strop, threw the tea towel (dangerous) and using a few obscene words, swore I would never cook again. He calmly scooped them up and somehow pieced them back together (well made them look like they were whole pieces) and ate, lovingly telling me "try some, its not so bad" and "its really nice".
He's still the same now, but he has learnt to duck when the utensils go flying in temper.

Thanks for taking the time to read and I will send the next Dear......... letter out next week.
As always........sent wiv love
I remember the football cake very well. The Mummy and Daddy laughed their socks off.