
Thursday, 12 September 2013

He Moved Out

As an update to my post in July 2013 about teenagers Moving Out and starting their journey to independence, I am now writing about my encounters as Rambo goes it alone.

About a month after I wrote that post, Rambo (see Who's Who) came to me and said that some friends from work had a room in a house share available and he asked how I felt about him moving in with them. My first thought was how much I would miss him. My second thought was how I would no longer have to holler to get him up in the mornings. Hey this could work. 

After offering my advice (I couldn't believe he actually took it instead of the usual teenagers way of knowing better) we arranged for him to move in the following week for a months trial. After the month, if it suited him and the other housemates, Rambo would sign the contract.

During that month I have popped round with shopping and been to collect washing and popped back with ironing and not because he wanted me to but because I wanted to still look after him. (The Husband doesn't understand why!!)

At the end of the month, Rambo came on holiday with us to Spain. It was so nice to have our little family of five, (2 parents and 3 kids again) under one roof and I cannot believe how much he has grown up in just that month. He has always been a considerate and lovely son who has never been any trouble. Don't get me wrong, I had my moments of nagging and hollering at him to get out of bed or tidy his room.

But what I noticed the most was how caring he was. The Mother-in-Law had limited walking abilities and Rambo was always the one who stayed back to make sure she was ok and walked at her pace.  He was the one who said he would wait in the villa with her while we went shopping. He took The Mummy to the local Spanish shop when she wanted sweets (I did too but couldn't be bothered to go!) He played volleyball to entertain Od and Ed (he wouldn't tolerate his siblings in his pre-independence days). He stood back to let others get on the bus before him. 

As kind as he was before there was also that selfish teenage streak which has completely gone. He often pops in or calls for a chat (in fact he phoned last night at the end of his work shift, 11.00pm, to see if I wanted him to pop in for a cuppa.........errrr no, sorry son), to make sure we're all ok.

His room, though, is another story. He phoned the other day asking me to pop over to show him how to make a lasagne for the other housemates. Me! Help cook! A miracle has happened.

Anyway, I  went over and gave my much loved, one dish wonder, lasagne instructions and then took a look at his room. All I can say is that this is one department that needs working on. Clothes taken out the washing machine and hung on the airer as they came out - in a screwed up mess. Towels, still damp on the floor - drying. Dirty socks and underwear on the floor - next to the laundry basket. Curtains still shut. Bedsheets half hanging off the mattress - no comment on the stench. (My next visit is definitely to take fresh bedding round!) There were playstation games strewn all around the floor and the TV playing a game of Fifa to itself!!

Even in all that mess he is thoroughly enjoying his journey into independence and living with his mates. (2 girls, 1 lad and himself). It is still early days and I'm sure we've got lots of highs and lows to come but so far so good.

I do worry about him though and my first thought every morning is a mental check as to where all my babies are. Thank God I still have Ed and Od at home. A mummy needs all her babies in the nest and I think as a parent you never stop worrying about them. 

Thank you for reading. I would love to hear what you think or any teenager experiences you may have.

As Always...........Sent wiv Love



  1. Sounds like an excellent decision, love the idea of a month trial. Seems as though the independence is agreeing with him.

    I still have a while before any of my boys move out, they're only 4, but if I step on another Lego brick I may be asking them to leave sooner!

    1. Ouch. I'm past the toys stage, thank god, lol. I am dreading the time when my girls move out though. Thank you for reading and for commenting. Lynne

  2. My daughter moved out much earlier than I was prepared for at 17(and her too if she were to be honest). I spent many an hour cleaning and tidying up her place. She moved back in 2-3 times but eventually found her feet. Now she is an independent, soon to be 28 year old (time really does fly so quickly). She will still call me at inappropriate times asking for advice, how to make a certain dish or having me Google her whereabouts on maps, when she gets lost, but we wouldn't have it any other way x

    1. Time absolutely flies, doesn't it. Although he's 18 now, he's still my baby boy. Thank you for reading, Lynne xxx


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