
Saturday, 25 May 2013

Ok, so heres the thing......

Ok, so heres the thing.

Theres lots I would like to do but sometimes  I struggle to know what exactly. So gonna start with this ever popular online blog thing and see if it sends some inspiration to this middle aged brain of mine.

To be honest I was recently inspired by a friend who is testing her writing skills by publishing her first attempt at a novel.  I realised this was one of the "lots of things I'd like to do" items. She suggested starting a blog, so here I am. Part of me says "please let someone see it" as it will mean I have mastered the first part of setting up a blog. Part of me says "please don't let anyone see it" as its really just a test piece to see if I have mastered the first part of setting up a blog!!

Well anyways, this blog has got me thinking. Who would read my blog? Why would anyone read about me? Would people read if it was about themselves. Which got me remembering some funny happenings whilst growing up. I would love to send a 'remember when........' letter to as many people i know as possible. 

So, hopefully, each week, I am going to blog a letter starting with 'Dear ................' to a different friend, working through facebook. Who doesn't love to reminisce?

This blog is also about our life up here in Derbyshire and will include posts about the kids, cooking (lack of) and what we get up to.

So here goes. Lets see where it takes us.

Let the blog roller coaster begin............ always, sent wiv love


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